Monday, April 25, 2011

Gaming News: Prototype 2 Update

Well its been a while since the last post and I've found quite a bit on Prototype 2.

Some things that will be in the game:

New York is part of the place we will be playing.

This one is kind of hard to understand but in the developer interviews, they said that they couldn't say anything about it but I did find that it will be spread up in 3 areas. The Green, Yellow and Red zones. So the green will be the clean area. The virus hasn't reached them yet and it's supposed to be a safe zone.

Taken from the Heller Throws Down trailer you can see what is probably the green zone. No chaos in the streets with many people walking around and cars driving normally. Also in the trailer you can see a guy wearing medical face mask. I thought this is a nice realistic touch to the game.

Yellow is the area that people are evactuating to from the red zone. It's supposed to be a slum district with huddled masses of people trying to escape the infection and shantytowns of homeless people.

And finally, the red zone. This is going to be the bad area where the infection is at its worst. Think of the first trailer where you see destroyed buildings and that red and black crap growing everywhere.

You can see, the red zone is a mess. I have a theory that the city will be broken up in levels. For the start, you end up in the green to learn the game and whatnot. Then you eventually move over to the red zone as you progress through the game.

In this picture, you can see behind the guy is a map of the city. The zones are all on three different islands. It will probably be like in GTA series how you unlock the islands before you get to the next area. If this is true, the city will be much bigger then it was in the first game.

So the story was cleared up. James Heller returned from the war overseas to find his family killed by the virus. He loses all hope and takes a mission that was supposed to kill him since he didn't have anything to live for. His squad battles into the red zone and everyone but him was killed. In the ruckus he spots Alex and goes after him. He catches up to Alex and Alex sees he is a worthy subject for a new strain of the virus (I'm guessing new strain) and infects James to make him the new prototype.

Seems pretty good story in my opinion. Here is James pissed off that his family is dead from the virus and he gets infected instead of killed by the guy who is responsible for his family's death. Insult to injury. The Mercer vs. Heller boss fight is going to be f#$%#ing sweet.

I thought this was worth mentioning:

Yes, that's rain. Weather could be a part of the new game. Also a nice view of the Heller powers. According to developers, all the old powers (that we loved) will be coming back. So far, Blade, and Fists..

Also a note to add, in this clip, James rips that missile launcher off the tank and uses it to blow up the tank. In another video, James uses the new and improved tendrils to grab a helicopter, whip around it with the tendrils and kick and slice right through the chopper. "Wow" was the only word I could stutter after seeing that.

And last thing I'll say since this is getting very long, is one picture of a monster:

First, James is ripping off the monster's arm which is a new combat feature most likely. In the backround is probably what the yellow zone will look like and lastly, look at that monster. What is it? I dont know but I like it. This might mean there will be more infected to fight other then hunters and boss hunters. First game was all: military, hunter, military, hunter, military, hunter, military, hunter, military, hunter, military, hunter, boss, military, hunter, military, hunter, military, hunter, last boss. So now, it could possibly have some variety to the combat.

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