Monday, December 13, 2010

Gaming News: Prototype 2!!!!

"Holy s***!!" were my exact words as saw the trailer for Prototype 2 on the VGAs. I didn't think it would happen but it looks like we will get Prototype 2 in 2012!

After reviewing the trailer a few times, I've spotted some interesting stuff. For one, this new guy , James Hellan (sp?), looks like he is pretty pissed at Alex Mercer and from the trailer, he looks even stronger. The game still takes place in NYC and it looks even more destroyed from the first game. Rubble is piling up in the streets, some weird black and red stuff is growing everywhere... and people are having trouble picking up what the story is about.

From my understanding.. The new guy James, comes to NYC after a war to help fight the infection but gets killed in the process. So then SOMEONE uses his dead body to do the same thing that happened to Alex at the start of the first game. The Blacklight virus enters his bloodstream and creates a new prototype that is possibly more stronger then the first version. Perhaps this someone who made James the new prototype convinced him to go after Alex? This is all speculation but it's my guess to what this game will be about. No news about Pariah, Alex's sister or Ragland yet. We'll have to wait and see.

Since James is a Sergent, maybe we will fight on the military's side this time? I'd rather fight the infected then a million strike teams. No more strike teams... PLEASE.

All in all, I can't wait for 2012.

Take a look at this:

Yeah, that's him picking up a tank and throwing it on the ground. Alex couldn't pick up tanks. Also, it looks like the whip power could be making a comeback and you can pick up more then just people.

This could possibly be one of the new devastators. Some kind of flying tendril grapple move? After he strikes the target, the tendrils move out and grab cars, people, and objects and crush whatever is in the center.

Another possible new devastator. I'm guessing that he plunges both claws under ground and explodes more ground spikes then the first game. The trailer cuts off this move so there is no way of knowing what this is.

We have armor!

And finally, the trailer ended with this huge...thing that lets out a roar and smashes the ground. It looks like its standing on two legs so maybe its a severely mutated boss hunter?

I've read the comments that people have been making about the graphics. Yeah, the first Prototype could have been done on a PS2 because the graphics were lame but this new game DOES have new visuals just take a look at the pictures and compare them to the first game. Yeah, there is a difference. I can't say they are the best in the world, but they are updated.

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