Friday, August 21, 2009

Rally time!

I just got in a TB01 I spotted over on RCTech and just like the last one, I'm very happy to have one. Yes, I did own a TB01 rally before but I didn't care much for R/C rally at the time and I traded it for a TA03F. Now I have another one and I plan to get rally more popular; at least in my area.

It will be tough. First I got to get people interested and that alone will be freakin' hard plus, I have to figure out how to do rally events here. If anyone has seen the R/C rally videos on youtube, you will see how they do it. Some good things, nice scale looking tracks, cars are also scale looking, level playing field and I think they use the same timing system as the WRC. Bad: they have to chase after their R/C car... That really defeats the purpose of the radio part of radio control. Might as well take a broom stick and push the car through the track.

Currently I'm thinking of an enticing way to get people interested by coming up with appealing events. So far I've come up with a autocross/gymkhana stlye events. Just set up a track like we do for drift events except off road and set up cones, track dots, etc and use the terrain to make a challenging course that the driver will try to get the fastest time. Also I will try to get several tracks so that we can also do stages and get an overal time just like in the WRC.

There are holes in my plan but I'm still working on it. I've got to do that and then fix up the TB01. It didn't come with any broken parts, but the optional long arm suspension has A LOT of play in all four arms... I started getting most of the problem area but still have a lot to go.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ahhh.. who cares?

Well, I'm flip flopping. I don't care if no one watched the Dead Space run I'm going to finish it... as soon as I get my Xbox back. I let my cousin borrow it and he's having fun playing Gears of War 2 so it's going to be hard to get it back.

But when I do get it back, I'll continue my run that ended on chapter 4. The first Brute encounter with no stasis! Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuun! But seriously, defeating a Brute isn't very hard especially that first one that shows up on the bridge. They only become a problem when the room get smaller. Also, I'm going to try to get a 50% or more run on the A.D.S cannon. Even though I already got that achievement, I'm going to do it again just to show off. Haha!

Yesterday I logged some more time on Red Dead Revolver and I found a very speedy way to finish the train chapter! Well, I didn't just find it but it's the first time I'm documenting it. I'm going to try to get a video of RDR showing some quirks that the A.I has. Weird though, the game has good A.I, yet they still do some stupidly funny things. Hmm. The video will feature mostly A.I lolz and that speed run tactic on the train level.

Keep watch.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Well, as if my PS2 situation wasn't bad enough, now I have memory card problems. This is way worse then a disc read error or even the RRoD. Why? I have a 100% complete game of SFOS on that memory card. SFOS players know that you can't play that game online anymore and they should also know that you NEED to play online to get 100%!!! GAH!

Maybe the card is ok. Basicly what happened was I loaded up Red Dead and it said the save was corrupt and it couldn't load it. That made me quite mad because I almost unlocked every charcter in showdown mode. No I might have to start all over. If that is the only save that is corrupted, then there is no problem. I'll just have to restart the game and make a new save.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hmmm It works?

Turns out my PS2 only works with certain games and luckily, one of my newest game (Red Dead Revolver) still works. Yesterday I was doing some levels and I realized that the first gun the game is the crappiest. Yes that's right, a new constraint run idea was born. Well, not yet. First I have to play through the whole game to see if it's possible. Mostly because in one level, you get captured and all your weapons are taken and you have to steal some off of enemies. I'm still contemplating what to do on that level. Also, I'm thinking of leaving out the levels that don't have Red as the playable character or I could think of some constraints for those ones. Might be tough since some of them only have one weapon to use or some other hard game play element already there. I may have to go with skipping them. I'll post an update when I start the run.

For now, the constraints are:

Hard Mode
Old Pistol only

Once I think of more, they will be listed.