Friday, February 8, 2013

New Car: The Drift Devil

Many people have seen the site and saw how many clone cars they have. I've know about them for quite some time but this time I actually wanted to buy one. I ended up getting the Drift Devil. After Google searching the car, it's actually a copy of a Eagle Racing front motor conversion kit. And being from R2hobbies, it was dirt cheap.

But that low cost didn't come without it's price. For one thing, R2hobbies said nothing the entire time the car was in shipping. No confirmation emails, no messages that indicated the car was shipped...nothing. It was from Hong Kong so I'm not counting the long shipping time.

Once I got it I opened up the box and then I found (more like I didn't find) something horrifying. The kit had NO instruction manual on how to build it. I was stumped on how to build it but wasn't entirly surprised. It IS
 a knock off car. None the less I did complete it but it took longer then I would have liked. And more rebuilds then I want to mention.

I might do a review on this kit since there were many surprises (good and bad) and just to let everyone know if it's worth buying one of these. My opinion though, buying clone cars based off a well known brand's design isn't a good thing to do. Yes, I am guilty of that now but I just fell in love with the front motor chassis and had to have it.

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